Happy New Year 2022


Happy New Year 2022 to all our partners and portfolio companies and teams 🌟 Thank you for your efforts during another unusual year. It takes lots of resilience, but we’ll make 2022 a better year.

In 2021 we donated funds to TwoRowingFinns. You too can donate to save the Baltic Sea via John Nurminen Foundation or Keep Archipelago Tidy 💚💙🤍



Through the project we want to raise awareness about the critical condition of the Baltic Sea. Our ambition is to raise 100.000 € for concrete actions to save the Baltic Sea.

The Finnish archipelago and the shores of the Baltic Sea have been our home since childhood. Today the Baltic Sea is in critical condition and is considered one of the most polluted seas in the world. The most severe problems are hazardous substances, risk related to marine traffic, loss of biodiversity and eutrophication. The Baltic Sea can still be saved but will require immediate actions. We have two organizations as our charity partners, John Nurminen Foundation and Keep the Archipelago Tidy association. They work with slightly different focus but they share the same mission when it comes to saving waterways, the archipelago and the Baltic Sea for coming generations.  The goal is to raise awareness and encourage people to donate for their great work/causes to save the Baltic Sea.