A’Pelago Initiative 10-11 August at Archipelago Centre Korpoström
11.08.2023The first A’Pelago Initiative event was a success: sharp thinking and well communicated by all. My warmest thanks and appreciation to all of you participants, keynote speakers, investors, business partners and our team
A BIG hand also to Turo Numminen and all the investor panelists and business case presenters on Day 2. Concrete initiatives well adapted for the Archipelago Sea theme. The Archipelago Centre Korpoström is an amazing place and everyone loved the local food and atmosphere.
Thank you Eva Johansson, Tuuli Toivola and your teams for your fine service. And last but not least – thank you Capt. Tuomo Meretniemi for your video greeting. Much appreciated by all and the word ‘appreciation’ means everything in team work. ”All business is people business’, as Piia Maaranen said.
The first day of A’Pelago Iniative was energized by our engaged participants and keynote speakers. The key challenges and opportunities of the Archipelago Sea Region were addressed and some of these are summarised below by A’Pelago team member Alina Sippolainen:
”To find silver bullets – not one but several – that benefit the archipelago ecosystem and create value, we need action in all fields of society.” Crystalizing statement to keep in mind from Christoffer Boström, Åbo Akademi.
A lot of Day 1 at the A’pelago Initiative has been about identifying where’s the value creation potential combining innovation, business and archipelago region insights. Let’s have a look at some key insights!
NATURE: ”Sea ecosystems provide us ecosystem services worth millions every day for free. At the same time, oxygen debt of the sea is massive and the sea in a heartbreaking state. A great part of the environmental value potential lies in minimizing the root causes for this.’’ Christoffer Boström
”VITAL ARCHIPELAGO of Finland is our road to the world. It is an interconnected system of nature, living, business and traffic. Business can benefit and enhance all these aspects. Balancing changes in the population level of the islands year-round is one important way to this.“ Kim Wikström.
SCIENCE-BASED TECH SOLUTIONS: ”Scientists need entrepreneurial skills and support from business to breathe alive future Game Changer business solutions. These solutions need to be branded as greatly as other world-leading brands”, Inka Mero
SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION FOR ARCHIPELAGO: “In the archipelago we have to think differently: we have few people and a lot of space. Innovations spark often when unexpected people are put into unexpected places. The liquid part of our Baltic Sea needs driven people“. Mårten Mickos
BRAND“Brand creation is of essence, we need to make people understand the value of Finland in order to market our unique qualities. Often I have to start by telling people about the Nordics”, Clarisse Berggårdh about ”Helsinki Happiness”; the last quote is my interpretation of her talk.