
A’Pelago Experience och Spacent tecknade ett samarbetsavtal för att främja hybrid arbetskultur

A’Pelago Experience pressmeddelande. Aboa Advest är delägare i A’Pelago.


A’Pelago Experience som är verksamt i Skärgårdshavet och Spacent, baserat i Helsingfors, accelererar revolutionen för distansarbete med ett nytt partnerskap. Som ett resultat av samarbetet kan de distansarbetsplatser som marknadsförs av A’Pelago Experience i Skärgårdshavet och Åland nu bokas på Spacents plattform och mobilapplikation. Partnerskapet stödjer företagens omställning till hybridarbete och skärgårdsföretagens förutsättningar för åretruntdrift.

A’Pelago Experiences resa för att främja den hybrida arbetskulturen och livskraften i skärgården fortsätter. Partnerskapet som startar i juni samlar två företag som främjar en ny arbetskultur inom plattformsekonomin. Spacent är känt som den ledande bokningsplattformen för hybrida arbetsutrymmen i Norden. A’Pelago Experience, å andra sidan, gör att de avlägsna arbetsdestinationerna i Finlands unika skärgård är tillgängliga året runt. Båda företagens mål är effektiv användning av faciliteter och människors välbefinnande.

”Med Spacent är vi pionjärer i att förnya arbetskulturen: Kompetenta människor flyttar till företag där de bättre kan kombinera professionell ambition med sin egen livsstil. Att leda team och företag nu och i framtiden kräver empati och förtroende”, säger Timo Ketonen, Partner av A’Pelago Experience och medgrundare av företaget.

”Samarbetet stödjer A’Pelago Experiences uppdrag, det vill säga målet att möjliggöra året runt distansarbete i skärgården, vilket uppmuntrar skärgårdens företagare att investera i året runt service. Att arbeta på distans i skärgården är framför allt en fråga om företagsledningens inställning. Förändringen i arbetskulturen tog fart av pandemin och denna megatrend accelererar.”

”Spacents kunder är pionjärer inom hybridarbete och jag är mycket glad över att vi kan erbjuda våra kunder något unikt med A’Pelago. Vi utökar snabbt vår kundbas i Europa, och jag tror att Skärgårdshavet kommer att bli en internationell hit för distansarbete”, säger Spacents vd Eetu Ristaniemi.

Sett ur dessa synvinklar går företag inte in i samarbete bara för att utöka urvalet av arbetsutrymmen. Med varandras stöd kan företagen stödja framtidens arbete, som genomgår en kulturell omvälvning. Människor, livskraften i skärgården och lokala entreprenörer drar nytta av förändringen.

A’Pelago Experience Ab

  • A’Pelago Experience grundades i juni 2022 och erbjuder coworking utrymmen och hållbart boende i skärgårdsregionen. Företaget arrangerar även skräddarsydda evenemang i samarbete med sina lokala partners i skärgården.
  • För närvarande finns det 14 coworking-ställen på A’Pelagos plattform, alla belägna i Skärgårdshavet och Åland.
  • Årets huvudevenemang är A’Pelago Initiative Business Camp som äger rum den 10-11 augusti på Skärgårdscentrum Korpoström.
  • Företagets grundare och ägare är Timo Ketonen och Patrik Anckar. A’Pelago-teamet består av 5 personer med olika arbetserfarenheter

Mer information

Timo Ketonen, co-founder, A’Pelago Experience Ab

+358 40 083 1205, timo@apelago.fi

Patrik Anckar, co-founder, A’Pelago Experience Ab

+358 50 408 7730, patrik@apelago.fi

Eetu Ristaniemi, CEO, co-founder, Spacent Oy

+358 40 773 9083, eetu.ristaniemi@spacent.com

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Boosting the Growth of Finnish SMEs – Finnish Buyout and Growth Investors Invested Half a Billion in Growth-Oriented Companies Once Again

FVCA press release

Despite the general economic uncertainty, Finnish buyout and growth investors have continued to invest in growing SMEs at the same pace as in previous years – in 2022, the amount invested again reached over half a billion euros. Record amounts of capital have been raised to private equity funds in recent years, indicating that investments in companies seeking growth partners can be expected in the future as well.

In 2022, Finnish buyout and growth investors invested a total of €530 million into 75 unlisted small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

While the early 2020s have been marked by various crises, Finnish private equity investors have maintained a remarkably stable level of investment activity. Over the past five years, Finnish buyout and growth investors have annually invested an average of half a billion euros in around 80 SMEs to accelerate their growth.

Private equity investors form a stable and reliable engine that drives Finnish companies forward, regardless of market conditions. As statistics show, we have a functioning financing ecosystem for unlisted companies in Finland, which operates steadily despite the turmoil in the world”, comments Anne Horttanainen, Managing Director of the Finnish Venture Capital Association.

The growth expertise of Finnish buyout and growth investors has primarily been harnessed to accelerate the growth of domestic SMEs. Continuing the trend from previous years, over 90% of the investments made in 2022 were directed towards domestic companies. The investments were dispersed throughout the country, with Central Finland and Pirkanmaa receiving the highest investment volumes after Uusimaa.

Some of the companies that received investments in 2022 include digital job search and recruitment services provider Duunitori, staffing services company Bolt.Works, cybersecurity and IT services provider Netox, and electric vehicle managed service provider Eva Global.

Private equity investors are active owners who invest in companies with growth potential. We offer concrete support to achieve this goal and help companies throughout Finland to grow and internationalise,” says Juhana Kallio, FVCA’s Chairperson of the Board and Managing Director of Intera Partners.

According to a study conducted by the Finnish Venture Capital Association and PwC in 2022, the growth of private-equity-backed companies is eight times faster in terms of turnover and twenty times faster in terms of number of employees than that of peer companies.

Record Capital Raised in Recent Years – Focus Should Also Be on Future Development

Between 2018 and 2022, Finnish buyout and growth funds have raised a record-breaking €3 billion in new funds. There is a significant amount of dry powder, or unallocated capital, in the funds presently.

In 2022, several growth funds that make minority investments were published, as Mandatum Asset Management and Nordia Management launched their second funds, and Voland Partners began its operations as a new player in the growth fund field. Additionally, Taaleri launched a new biotechnology fund and Saari Partners launched its second buyout fund in 2022.

Currently, there is plenty of funding available for growing companies. Private equity investors, as long-term-focused investors, continue their operations as usual through different economic cycles. New investment opportunities are actively being sought now“, says Kallio.

According to a recent barometer tracking market sentiments among Finnish private equity investors, buyout and growth investors perceive that there are as many high-quality investment opportunities available as before. The barometer examined the current market situation and compared it to the situation six months ago.

On the other hand, fundraising is perceived to have become more difficult, and there is an increased general caution among fund investors.

To strengthen domestic ownership, our financing ecosystem must grow and become more international. The obstacles to domestic and foreign fundraising for private equity funds must be removed, and funds must have competitive opportunities to attract growth capital to Finland,” Horttanainen comments.

Exits Remained Steady Despite a Decline in IPOs

Private equity investors own a portfolio company for a certain growth phase, after which investors exit, i.e., sell their stake in the company. 2022 saw a sharp decline in initial public offerings both in Finland and globally and exits through IPOs were not made by private equity investors either. About half of the companies listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange between 2015 and 2021 have been private-equity-backed.

However, last year there were 38 successful exits through other routes, which is in line with the average of the last five years. Most exits were trade sales or sales to another private equity investor.

Companies’ IPO readiness is being developed as usual, and the stock exchange remains an interesting exit option for investors. It’s great that successful exits have been made at a steady pace despite the challenging market situation, and there have been no write-downs in 2022. The profits from the exits are distributed to fund investors, such as Finnish pension funds,” Horttanainen concludes.


Additional information:

Anne Horttanainen, Managing Director, FVCA
+358 40 510 4907, anne.horttanainen@fvca.fi

Juhana Kallio, Chairperson of the Board, FVCA
+358 40 526 6629, juhana.kallio@interapartners.fi

Juulia Korkiavaara, Head of Communications, FVCA
+358 40 673 8376, juulia.korkiavaara@fvca.fi

FVCA is the industry body and public policy advocate for the venture capital and private equity industry in Finland. As the voice of the Finnish VC and PE community and the entrepreneurs they fund, it is our role to demonstrate the positive impact of the industry on the Finnish economy. FVCA – Building growth.

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Finnish Startups Raised a Record Amount of Funding Once Again – Total Amount Reached € 1.8 Billion in 2022

FVCA press release

The amount of capital raised by Finnish startups reached a new record last year. Of the total amount invested in Finnish startups, almost 60 per cent came from venture capital and growth investors.

Finnish startups have once again raised a record amount of funding. The amount invested increased by almost half a billion from the previous year, totalling €1.8 billion in 2022.

“The amount of funding raised by Finnish startups has increased tenfold in the last ten years. We have seen especially great leaps in the last four years, and the long-term development has also been positive,” says Anne Horttanainen, Managing Director of the Finnish Venture Capital Association.

Startups raise funding from several different types of investors. As in previous years, most of the funding came from venture capital and growth investors, who invested over one billion euros in Finnish startups in 2022. There has been a significant increase from the previous year’s sum of €886 million. Of the amount invested in 2022, €280 million came from domestic and €753 million from foreign VCs and growth investors.

Other foreign investors, such as corporates and LPs, invested a significant amount of €597 million euros in Finnish startups. Other domestic investors invested a total of €160 million.

The record sum was heavily boosted by supply chain and retail planning platform Relex’s€500 million investment round and open-source cloud data platform Aiven’s €200 million round. Other large investment rounds were raised by quantum computer developer IQM (€128 million) and satellite technology company Iceye (€120 million).

“The largest funding rounds are often led by foreign investors. Financing of tens or hundreds of millions cannot be done by Finnish efforts alone, and for our startups to compete with the global leaders, we also need to be able to attract international capital,” comments Horttanainen.

The Finnish Venture Capital Ecosystem Is Maturing and Internationalising

Finnish venture capital investors play a significant role in the growth and development of startups. With the financing provided by VCs, startups can grow from the idea stage all the way to conquering international markets.

In 2022, Finnish venture capital investors made a total of €358 million in investments. Of this amount, €238 million were invested in Finnish companies and €120 million in foreign companies. The development and internationalisation of the Finnish venture capital ecosystem are reflected by the data: Finnish venture capital funds have increasingly invested in foreign startups in recent years.

“Internationalisation is visible in both Finnish startups and VCs. The strengthened global networks are an advantage for a small market like ours,” comments Jussi Sainiemi, partner at Voima Ventures and chairperson of FVCA’s venture capital committee.

Fundraising of Finnish venture capital funds was successful in 2022. A record amount of capital was raised, totalling €402 million. The previous record year was 2019, with €345 million raised. In 2022, FOV Ventures and Innovestor Life Science launched their first funds. Inventure, Butterfly Ventures, and Wave Ventures also raised new funds.

“The development is positive – the sizes of funds have grown, and new funds have been established. While we already have a few larger VC funds, we are still missing the funds with hundreds of millions under management, which often lead later-stage investment rounds,” says Horttanainen.

Investor sentiment, as revealed by a survey conducted by the FVCA in March 2023, indicates that fundraising has become more challenging compared to previous periods.

“The general economic uncertainty naturally creates challenges for this industry as well. Now is the time to make sure that unnecessary obstacles to fundraising are removed to secure the availability of funding for Finnish startups in the future,” Horttanainen says.

Staying on the Right Path

In the past four years, the Finnish startup and venture capital ecosystem has grown in leaps. Startups have attracted record amounts of capital year on year, several companies have grown into international success stories, and VCs’ fundraising has been successful.

The outlook for future development, however, is uncertain. Based on statistics, investment activity in Finland remained at a good level even towards the end of 2022, while it already slowed down in Europe and the United States. According to the investor survey, Finnish VCs feel that there are still good investment opportunities available, but recently, there has been discussion in Finland about the declining number of new startups being founded.

The decrease in the number of startups also worries Horttanainen: “The development of the venture capital industry and the entire ecosystem is the result of the long-term work of many players. To ensure that this good development does not suffer a setback, cooperation to promote growth and entrepreneurship must continue. I also expect ambitious initiatives towards growth and entrepreneurship-friendly policies from our new government,” she concludes.

Background: VC-growth

  • For the first time, the statistics include growth investments in startups (”VC-growth”) to give a more complete picture of the Finnish startup ecosystem’s development
  • As Finnish startups have grown, more and more funding has been raised from growth-stage investors, who traditionally make minority investments in relatively mature companies
  • Growth investments in Finnish startups rose to a new level during 2021-2022. For these years, VC-growth investments have been added to selected graphs in the report
  • A more comprehensive analysis of the VC-growth investments will be provided in the next report

Additional information:

Anne Horttanainen, Managing Director, FVCA
+358 40 510 4907, anne.horttanainen@fvca.fi
Jussi Sainiemi, Partner, Voima Ventures
+358 40 564 4660, jussi.sainiemi@voimaventures.com
Juulia Korkiavaara, Head of Communications, FVCA
+358 40 673 8376, juulia.korkiavaara@fvca.fi

FVCA is the industry body and public policy advocate for the venture capital and private equity industry in Finland. As the voice of the Finnish VC and PE community and the entrepreneurs they fund, it is our role to demonstrate the positive impact of the industry on the Finnish economy. FVCA – Building growth.

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